Style Guide Services

  • room consult

    Sometimes rooms are oddly shaped. Sometimes you just don’t know how to position your couch. And sometimes, you’ve just been in a place so long you just can’t see it with fresh eyes anymore. We’ll be those eyes, offer a fresh perspective and suggest changes that will make sure your room meets it’s full potential!

  • closet consult

    Sometimes called crunk it-OR- junk it, we will sit with you while you try on every article of clothing in your possession and help you love it or let it go. We will probably see your butt. You have probably already seen ours on the internet, so it‘s cool.

  • wall consult

    So you picked out the art and now you’ve got to decide: where to put it/how to hang it/what other pieces to mix with it. We can help with all of that and even recommend new pieces for your collection. We specialize in salon-style wall installations and our general philosophy about art is: YOU CAN’T HAVE TOO MUCH.

“I chose wallpaper I LOVE with assistance from your discerning eyes.”

— Room Consult Client

“I was delighted to avail myself of their services as it kept me from asking my ex for help. I really didn’t want to call him.”

— Wall Consult Client